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Get In Touch

Thanks for reaching out, i'll get back to you as soon as possible!

I provide Therapy & Coaching services tailored to suit your individual needs and wants, working with adults and children over 12years old. The modalities I use include a combination of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Psychology based interventions which I am all fully qualified and have years of experience working with. These types of therapies help to create change at a subconscious level, this is vital for creating permanent and long lasting change. Each treatment plan is tailored to you and we work together as a team – think of me as your biggest cheerleader! I work with a wide range of clients focusing on a variety of issues including anxiety, low-mood, stress management, low confidence, fears and phobias, unwanted habits such as nail biting or smoking, sleep issues, goal setting and motivation, performance, interview or exam preparation, driving test nerves, public speaking. This is just a selection, please do not hesitate to get in touch to see how I can help support you.


It is important to note that I am not a crisis service or counsellor, please ensure to seek advice and support from your Doctor and continue to follow any recommended medical advice and medication you have been prescribed.

Therapy & Coaching

I provide Therapy & Coaching services tailored to suit your individual needs, working with adults and teens

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